Our Mission

It's time to stand together

Freedom Alliance IoI is a member of the
world freedom alliance

The World Freedom Alliance aims to facilitate an open platform to promote freedom in all its forms worldwide, to unite people around the world, and to provide information and share best practices between countries.

We aim to ensure our cherished fundamental freedoms, as outlined in the WFA Charter, are restored and maintained. Together, we can unite in strength, to promote freedom, inspire courage and give hope in these times, please join us!

Download our manifesto here

Our Vision

World Freedom Alliance (WFA) will provide a worldwide platform linking with various associations and organisations offering access to justice, true dialogue for health science and politics, while holding worldwide officials to account under the law. We will offer transparent evidence-based solutions and encourage robust debate with media, scientists and governments to ensure our fundamental freedoms of the people of the world are restored and maintained.

Our Mission

Our mission is to PROTECT our cherished freedoms, PROMOTE collaborations and links between groups of doctors, scientists, lawyers, professionals and freedom campaigners worldwide. We will PROVIDE transparent analysis of the data for business and innovative solutions to build a wonderful world for us, our children and future generations.

WFA Values

Honesty – We are honest in all of our exchanges Integrity – We act with integrity to achieve all of our aims and serve our membership. Accountability – We are accountable for everything we do. Humanity – We serve humanity in all respects. Diversity – We recognise and act based on diversity. Equality – We embody equality. Service – We serve all who require our help and guidance.

World Charter of Freedom

Freedom of speech, Freedom of assembly, Freedom of thought, Freedom of bodily integrity, Freedom to practice your Faith, Freedom from coercive and exploitative credit systems

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1. “The Freedom Alliance” will protect and uphold the sovereign and inalienable Rights to life, freedom, bodily autonomy, movement, speech, property, association and religious belief.

2. We affirm that the only legitimacy of Government comes from the consent of the people. We seek a system which pledges to be the guardians of civil and religious freedom for all.

3. We demand full accountability at all levels and an end to corruption in public, statutory and corporate office.

4. We affirm that the rights of individuals, families and communities come before those of regional, national and supranational bodies.